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    A Modern day Code of Ethics... as relevant today as it was when it was written 2000 years ago.  Patanjali, sometimes known as the Father of Yoga, included  within the Yoga Sutra, a Code of Ethics for living - Yamas (abstinences) and Niyamas (observances).  There are 5 of each, some of which may seem familiar:

    Yamas                                                    Niyamas

    Ahimsa (Non-violence)                           Sauca (Purity)

    Satya (Truthfulness)                               Samtosha (Contentment)

    Asteya (Non-stealing)                             Tapas (Spiritual Austerity)

    Brachmacharya (Continence)                 Svadhyaya (Spiritual study)

    Aparigraha (Non-hoarding)                     Ishwara Pranidhana (Surrender all we do to God or a Higher Purpose)

    We are considering one per week during our practice this term.  They can have additional meanings and interpretations to those given above. For example Non-violence can be applied to our yoga practice i.e. not doing ourselves any harm during our practice, working with our bodies, limitations/health conditions etc.  Asteya (Non-stealing) could mean not using more than we need and looking after the environment.  As I said still as relevant today  - Yoga Sutra of Patanjali.


  2. Meditation in 60 seconds...  As considered in the Learn Something New section of Simple Things Magasine.  Meditation is rooted in Buddhism, but is now practiced by those who are interested in the science behind it, according to this article, and regular practice can 'help boost mood, reduce stress, sharpen memory, aid restful sleep...'  Not bad!  For between classes or if you can't make it to a class and want to use your mobile or computer have a look at, or

    The article also points out not to worry if your mind wanders, returning to your 'to-do list or what to have for dinner'.  It's perfectly normal.   It's what minds do.  'Don't be deterred', we are told '-once meditation becomes a habit, it is, to quote Emma Watson, "Kind of genius." '

    Go on give it a go!  Don't fancy going it alone?  Pop along to one of my classes and find out what it's all about.meditation